National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer – Pray fervently in righteousness and avail much.

Please join us for our 2022 National Broadcast on Thursday evening May 4th from 8-10 pm ET. The video links and embed code are on the promotional tools page, or you can watch on our Facebook LIVE stream, on television via Daystar, God TV, TLN and others or listen on many of your favorite Christian radio networks. 

You can tune in to the live stream from 8 pm to 10 pm ET / 5 pm to 7 pm PT. on the National Day of Prayer website.

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NRBTV –  Thursday 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT – DirecTV 378, FireTV, Roku, AppleTV


Daystar – Thursday (5/4) at 8:30 pm ET / 5:30 pm PT – DirectTV ch. 369, KDTN TV 2 Dallas, TX, Sky ch. 584, local TV, local cable, online streaming here – Thursday 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT. online