Program Guide

This is a weekly table of topics and guests on some Christian TV programs.

700 ClubRichard watched as his world grew dimmer and dimmer, knowing he was dying; his EMT saw a lethal dysrhythmia on the monitor, but he prayed for God's help to save Richard's life; they both share this miraculous story of survival.A groom’s cold feet nearly ended his marriage before it began. But when his wife refused to give up, a powerful confession changed everything.Jonathan Roumie -
"The Chosen" - Season Five Holy Week
Celestial Wedding Patricia Bootsma
Millions in Sudan have been torn from their homes by war and many are seeking refuge in neighboring Chad, How are Christian aid groups providing critical support?New reporting shows how USAID funds have helped America's enemies including those pledged to destroy Israel.3/23
700 Club Interactive New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge inspires millions to go deeper with Jesus in a world full of distractions. In his new book, Experience Jesus. Really. Finding Refuge, Strength, and Wonder Through Everyday Encounters with God,Rob and Diane Perez were successful restaurateurs, but their lives felt shallow until they opened “DV8 Kitchen,” a cafe that hires people in recovery.3/23
100 Huntley Street Noah JamesMark Masri
Deina Warren
Lena CebulaSusan BinkleyWilly Gakunzi3/23
Andrew Wommak Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God3/23
Benny Hinn Grace To GloryWhy Pray in TonguesThe Mystery of the New Birth |Benny Hinn in Cleveland3/23
Better Together Understanding The Lord's Prayer3/23
Creflo Dollar Spirit Led Grace LifeThe One True FaithThe One True FaithFaith of God vs. Faith in God3/23
David Jeremiah Knowing a Holy GodMental Focus
Personal DisciplineRelentless Determinationhristlike CharacterRadical Kindness3/23
Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem,
Classical Education: Meeting The Challenges Of The Day
The Silver Lining
EWTN LIVE - Dr. Alexandre HavardTHE WORLD OVER - Raymond Arroyo
Abigail Galván
Catherine Hadro.
God TV Together A Nation On Fire with The GospelRelationship Series: SinglenessScott VolkBuilding a Family…God’s WayRelationship Series: Keeping the Love Alive3/16
Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis How to Host a Seder3/23
Jim Bakker Family Show From Junkie to Jerusalem
Larry Huch
Ark Heirloom Seeds
Alex & Morgan Mitchell
Ark Heirloom Seeds
Alex & Morgan Mitchell
Taking On A New Shape
Geordan and Nace Roberts
Taking On A New Shape
Geordan and Nace Roberts
Joni Last Days Survival Guide
Rick Renner
From Junkie to Jerusalem
Larry Huch
Through the StormFinding Peace Through Humility
Dr. Joel Muddamalle r
Small Beginnings: Revolutionary3/23
Joseph Prince Jesus Came to Heal, Not CondemnGod's Supply for All Your NeedsGod's Supply for All Your NeedsThe Power of the BloodLive Loved, Favored and SecureSupernatural Protection Starts Here3/23
Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday LifeFinding God's Will for Your LifePhilippiansPhilippiansForgiveness, Guilt and MercyThe Parables of Jesus: The TalentsGossip and Slander3/23
Kenneth CopelandThe Revelation of God's Love Creates a Fearless LifeHonor Your Father and MotherAsk God and Find Out His PlanJesus’ Victory Over DeathWalking In Jesus’ AuthorityHearing God’s Voice and Following His Commandments3/23
Life Today - James RobisonDr. Robert Jeffress
The Foundation Of a Nation
Dr. Mark Rutland
Age With Joy
Dr. Don Colbert
The Aging Mind
Dr. Mark Rutland
The Best For Last
Tammy Trent
Rescue LIFE
Ministry Now Kelly WillardPastors Shawn and Holly BakerMarcus Lamb3/23
PraiseMatt & Laurie Crouch host Greg Laurie, featuring Dr. James Dobson - Faith, Family, PurposeMatt & Laurie Crouch host Harold Eberle and Martin Trench - Exploring Biblical ProphecyErick Stakelbeck hosts Joel Rosenberg - Hope for the WorldMatt & Laurie Crouch host Stephen Meyer – God's Kingdom RestoredRoute 60: The Biblical Highway3/23
Priests For Life End Abortion US
Special Guest: Cardinal Dziwisz
Praying for America
Host: Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone
Just Ask JanetPro-Life Primetime
Special Guest: Fr. Leo Patalinghug - Host: Prolife Leader Frank Pavone
Pro-Life News Break
Host: Leslie Palma
Today with Marilyn and SarahDr. Bob’s Guide to Mental HealthThe Simplicity of Healing with Dr. Sandra Kennedy – Part 2Divine Yes/Cast Your Net Teaching3/23
Unscripted Faith: Jeff SchadtPastor Terry Smith; Alicia MichelleMondo De La VegaChris Janssen; Pastor Chris MoranLee Strobel3/23
Women of GraceClassical Education: Meeting The Challenges Of The DayClassical Education: Meeting The Challenges Of The DayMercy In Action: Religious Sisters In ServiceMercy In Action: Religious Sisters In ServiceUp Close & Personal With Rev. Msgr. J. Brian Bransfield3/23
TLN Real life With jack HibbsINSIGHT with Pastor James WardProgressive Baptist Church w/ Dr. Charlie DatesCultural Conversations with James WardBreakthrough With Rod Parsley3/1
Billy Graham TV Ukraine: Finding God in Crisis3/2
Choices We Face Seeking The Holy Spirit
Anthony Feola
Church of the Resurrection Penal Substitution or Selfless Offering? | Rev. Adam Hamilton3/23
Elevation Church The Lord Will Lighten Your Load3/23
Eric Metaxas Radio Show Why 30 Million Americans Are LEAVING The Faith | John Bevere3/23
Fresh Life Church Use It Or Lose It
Levi Lusko

Gaither Gospel Randy Travis: Worship & Faith3/23
Greg Laurie Jesus and the Last Days3/16
Hillsong 24-7 Prayer | Pete Greig3/23
Hour Of Power Having Victory Through the Word of Faith3/23
John Hagee Pastor Matt Hagee - "There is No Rock...Like My Rock"Pastor John Hagee - 'The Grace of God.' The Difference with Matt & Kendal Hagee - "Keys to Thrive"3/23
It’s Supernatural! - Sid Roth Milton Alvarez3/23
Jentezen Franklin Turn Up The Fire Part 23/23
Jesse Duplantis The Question of Failure | Jesse Duplantis3/16
Joel Osteen Reframe it3/23
John Ankerberg Show Iran, Israel and End Time Events
featuring Dr. Ron Rhodes, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Jeff Kinley
Kerry Shook Confidence in the Chaos3/23
Leading The Way - Dr. Michael Youssef God’s Final Call – Lost Its Vision3/23
Life Church Step up. Move forward.
We Out Here
Robert Madu
National Community Church Brave the Storm
Dr. Mark Batterson
Manna Fest - Perry Stone Prayers The Will Bring Deliverance To Your Children3/23
Mosaic SOUL CRAVINGS: WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO | Erwin Raphael McManus3/16
New Season with Samuel Rodriguez Sunday Service at New Season with Pastor Samuel Rodriguez3/23
Northpoint -Community Church - Andy Stanley Just Because
Andy Stanley
Oak Hills The Miracle of Victory
Week 3 of the series, Man of Miracles
A sermon by Max Lucado
Pathway to Victory. Robert Jefferies Jesus the Conqueror3/23
The Potter's Touch Bishop T.D. Jakes Intentionality3/23
Prestonwood How We Are Forgiven
Passage: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Speaker: Dr. Jack Graham
Real Life Catholic Haiti 180, Pt. 13/2
Real Life with Jack Hibbs Real Worship3/23
Takeaways with Kirk Cameron Here's Something You May NOT KNOW About "The Chosen" | Dallas Jenkins3/16
Way Of The Master Buddhism and Jesus3/23
Zola Levitt Ministries Rebuilding the Ruined Cities — “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”3/23