The Atheist Delusion – (2016) Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. Yet millions are embracing the foolishness of atheism.
Ray Comfort (Living Waters) and Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) will be hosting the world premiere of Living Waters’ new award-winning movie, “The Atheist Delusion,” from inside the Ark Encounter, a life-sized Noah’s Ark in Kentucky. It will include a special kickoff event before the movie, and a Q&A with an expert panel after. The premiere will be broadcast live on the Daystar TV network on Saturday, October 22 at 7pm (ET). (Immediately after the live event, at 9pm, the movie by itself will be released freely on YouTube, available on AtheistMovie.com.) There are no more audience seats available for the live broadcast inside the Ark.
Daystar – Saturday (10/22), DirectTV ch. 369, KDTN TV 2 Dallas, TX, Sky ch. 584, local TV, local cable, online streaming here