The Return

The Return is a movement, an appointed time, and a specific day set apart for one purpose – the return to God by coming before His presence in humility, in sincerity in prayer, and repentance. Live from Washington, DC.

“America is in trouble. Our communities are hurting, our people are divided, and there’s fear and uncertainty all around us. Let’s join together and do the most important thing: pray!”
– Franklin Graham

Prayer March 2020 Livestream: Hosted by Mike Huckabee & Cissie Graham Lynch

Pray for America from wherever you are as Franklin Graham leads a nationwide prayer march in Washington, D.C. The 1.8-mile march through the National Mall stops at key locations from the Lincoln Memorial to U.S. Capitol.

Together, let’s seek God’s forgiveness, healing and intervention in our divided nation.

September 26th 12 noon till 2 pm.